
Beethoven For Elise エリーゼの為に Yasuhiro Kono with Nice Guys

Beethoven For Elise エリーゼの為に Yasuhiro Kono with Nice Guys kono 河野康弘P Kim 金子道大a.sax Shingo 大西慎吾Bass Mamo  日本柳守Dr 河野康弘 現在新型コロナウィルスの影響でYoutubeで発信しています! お気持ち投げ銭していただけたら嬉しいです★ BASEでの投げ銭SHOPはこちら↓ https://yasuhirokono.thebase.in/​​​​​ ----------------------------------------------------- Yasuhiro Kono Currently, it is being sent on Youtube due to the influence of the new coronavirus! I would be grateful if you could give me your feelings ★ Click here for BASE's throwing money SHOP ↓ https://yasuhirokono.thebase.in/

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